To hire a musician:
If you are looking to hire a musician to perform at a special event, please complete the following form. (Your submission will be shared to a secure database accessible to all registered MSM musicians, so please be accurate and concise.):
Once submitted, MSM musicians who are interested and available might contact you directly. Upon review and selection of your preferred musician, you can then finalize all logistics, including final details, fees, and a contract (if requested). Please note: As this is a referral service only, we cannot guarantee musicians for your event.
917-493-4502 |
Our Hire a Musician Request Service connects those looking for performers for a special event with MSM musicians. We frequently help to facilitate music for a range of:
- Engagements, weddings and ceremonies
- Receptions
- Corporate events
- Social gatherings
Performers are available in the greater NYC area.
This program is organized by The Center for Career Readiness & Community Impact (CCRCI). The CCRCI is a key link between potential employers and the highly talented students and alumni of Manhattan School of Music. Find out more about the CCRCI here.
To share a longer term or non-performance related opportunity with current students and alumni, see the Share An Opportunity section below.